Nicole Hall Senior Communications Specialist
T: 619.400.2859 M: 858.531.2863 E:
After hours and weekends please email or call the Airport Communications Center at 619.400.2710
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Biking is a viable, fun, and healthy transportation choice. This Bike Month, SANDAG provides an entire month of activities to get you GOing by bike. Check out their Bike Month calendar here.
Each year Honor Flight San Diego escorts World War II and Korean War veterans on a round trip flight from San Diego International Airport (SAN) to Washington, DC to visit Arlington National Cemetery for the Changing of the Guard ceremony, WWII, Lincoln, Korea, Vietnam, USMC, and Air Force memorials, and the National Guard Museum.
April through September is the least tern nesting season at SAN. Since 1970, this endangered migratory sea bird has found a suitable nesting site each year in the sand and gravel located in four oval areas between the runway and airplane taxiway.
It's Earth Day 2022! This month, the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority (Airport Authority) has been celebrating and more importantly doing things to better the planet we call home. Today, we wanted to highlight one way in which you can make a difference. We invite you to be a “Good Traveler” by offsetting your travel through The Good Traveler program.