As part of its core mission, the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority protects the safety and welfare of the general public by serving as the Airport Land Use Commission (ALUC) for San Diego County.
By adopting Airport Land Use Compatibility Plans (ALUCPs) per state law, the Authority as the ALUC provides guidance on compatible land uses around regional airports to local permitting agencies to incorporate into their land use decisions. The ALUCPs help protect the public against the noise and risks of airport proximity and establish standards for disclosure of airport proximity and aircraft overflight to residential properties.
ALUCPs concurrently protect aircraft in flight by adhering to FAA standards for obstructions and hazards to navigable airspace. Through these protections, ALUCPs help maintain the nation’s air transportation infrastructure from encroachment by incompatible land uses that could restrict their operations. Protecting airport operations is also an economic benefit to the region to help preserve jobs and industries that are supported, directly and indirectly, by airport operations.
Please contact ALUC staff at 619-400-2464 or if you have questions about or need further information on the Authority’s ALUC role.