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Commercial Vehicle Permitting

The Ground Transportation (GT) office and front counter are closed to the public permanently. Although our location is closed, our email address is available for you to email all permitting inquiries and transactions.

Operation of commercial vehicles throughout the airport is governed by procedures established by the Airport Authority. Unlicensed operators are subject to fines and removal from airport property. If you are interested in providing ground transportation services at San Diego International Airport, you can:

Agreements for Ground Transportation Service Permits


Ground Transportation Systems

GateKeeper/Vendor Site (Vendor Site User Guide)

While our front counter is closed, you will still be able to submit request for any of the following items:

For these request email

  • Adding or Removing Vehicle(s)
  • Vehicle/windshield/transponder replacements
  • Request for application to operate commercial vehicles at SAN
  • Taxi Transfers
  • Update of account information
  • Complaints
  • Credit card billing requests/issues

For any additional request/issues not listed, feel free to send an email to or leave a voicemail at (619) 400-2685

Proposals for Modifications to Ground Transportation Operations

The Ground Transportation Project Proposal Form is to be used by SAN Ground Transportation external stakeholders to propose projects that would modify existing ground transportation and/or parking operations at SAN. This includes potential changes to fees, operating model, capacity, flow, infrastructure, facilities, various processes, software and systems. Stakeholders are strongly encouraged to discuss their proposed project with the Ground Transportation Department prior to completing the form to obtain insights into operational feasibility, potential project risks, costs and resources required. Please contact Marc Nichols, Director of Ground Transportation, at (619) 400-2824 or via email at to be assigned a Project Lead at SAN for your project.

Dates Walk-in Times
Monday 9:00 AM-11 :30 AM
Wednesday 9:00 AM-11 :30 AM
Friday 9:00 AM-11 :30 AM

If you are unable to make these times please contact us at (619) 400-2685 to schedule an appointment.

Office Location

Administrative Offices- 3rd Floor
3225 North H arbor Drive
San Diego, CA 92101

The Framework Document provides clarity, ensures transparency, and sets expectations around SAN Ground Transportation’s initiatives, policies, requirements, and regulations. The document also outlines definitive principles, recommendations, specific actions with timelines, and important considerations in six key Focus Areas of Ground Transportation operations:

  • A. General Principles
  • B. Operating Models
  • C. Congestion Management
  • D. Technology
  • E. Operational Compliance
  • F. Environmental

All of the Specific Actions identified below are in alignment with, and contribute to the fulfillment of SAN Ground Transportation's goals:

SAN Ground Transportation Goals

  • Safety
  • High quality customer service
  • Efficiency
  • Cost recovery for operations and infrastructure
  • Economic value to the providers
  • Minimal unnecessary trips & congestion
  • Reduced environmental impact
  • Alignment with airport strategies

You can review SAN's Collaborative Framework Document here.

You can review the status summary for each Specific Action here.

Operating Models

1. Explore the feasibility, pros and cons of implementing limits on the number of TNC vehicles that can access the airport.
2. Explore the feasibility of standards for visible identification and automated recognition for all modes (placards, permits, QR codes, etc.)
3. Pursue opportunities for grant funding or incentive programs for conversion to lower carbon footprint vehicles.
4. Plan for and implement an open taxi system to accommodate all MTS permitted taxis.


1. Conduct an assessment of the technology necessary to operate a virtual hold lot that would allow drivers to check-in, and then leave airport property until they are at the front of the queue.
2. Through the Airport's Innovation Lab, evaluate the feasibility of an airport app for commercial modes that would allow the Authority to track movement and enforce traffic policies by Airport Traffic Officers (ATOs).
3. Incentivize and encourage utilization of software by all modes to reduce deadheading.
4. Evaluate the feasibility of shared hold lots.
5. Evaluate the benefits and requirements of a data analysis program using real-time reporting for all modes.
6. Collaborate with the Airport Authority's Innovation lab and data analysis team to develop tools for real-time traffic monitoring and analysis.

Congestion Management

1. Evaluate "priority" pick-up and drop off zones that prioritize low emission vehicles.
2. Co-locate pick-up and drop off in order to reduce deadheading and reduce emissions.
3. Evaluate premium price structure for "priority" curb access.
4. Evaluate use of space in parking facilities for passenger pick-up, while maintaining separation of TNC's from other modes.
5. Review and improve standards for dwell time, active loading and unloading time for high passenger volume vehicles.
6. Evaluate the feasibility of dedicated commercial vehicle roadways.

Operational Compliance

1. Explore funding and staffing resources for increased ATO involvement, collaboration, understanding of industry and operational knowledge, and consistency in enforcement.
2. Enhance customer service training for CSRs and ATOs.
3. Review and adjust CSR responsibilities to improve practices and eliminate the need for CSRs to step into the role of ATOs.
4. Evaluate the use of cameras and Automated License Plate Recognition (ALPR) technology to assist ATOs in responding to traffic enforcement issues.


1. Evaluate the use of environmental incentives, measures, metrics, and requirements that may be applied consistently across all modes, where applicable. Move toward replacing, enhancing, or modifying GHG requirements for all modes with a system of incentives that are in alignment with the Authority's clean transportation plan.
2. Evaluate the use of minimum standards in GHG emissions for TNCs, similar to taxis
3. Evaluate the creation incentives for TNCs to use alternative fuels.
4. Evaluate incentives for multi-passenger vehicles and ADA vehicles.
5. Evaluate the creation of economic incentives for electrification, develop infrastructure to support increased use of Electric Vehicles (EV), and explore the use of portable solar EV Charging Stations.
6. Evaluate a reduction in the overall number of commercial vehicles as an environmental and congestion reduction measure.
7. Evaluate the use of priority curbing as incentive to increase conversion to electric vehicles and to reduce deadhead trips.

General Principles

1. Alignment with the Airport Authority's mission, goals, and strategies is a critical priority for all policy development relating to ground transportation.
2. Alignment should also be maintained with local and state operational and regulatory requirements.
3. Every effort should be made to engage state and local agencies to address congestion, environmental, and other issues related to ground transportation.
4. Policies should maximize flexibility for all modes, promote economic and environmental sustainability, and reflect a comprehensive approach aligned with the region's transportation strategies.
5. Policies must reflect the current and most relevant passenger volumes, traffic conditions, and customer needs.
6. Ongoing reporting, transparent communication, and feedback opportunities will be established and maintained with transportation stakeholders.


You may send questions, concerns, and input to


Training Materials

Taxi Operators at San Diego International Airport play an integral role in providing world class customer service to the travelling public. Because of this, it is essential that all taxi operators are up to date on all requirements and expectations. In the following links, you will find training materials made available to all taxi operators. After completion of this training, each operator will have the knowledge and information needed to provide exceptional transportation services to our passengers.

Taxi Operators: